FAQ of Singapore company registration
[Q] Can I apply for registration in a Singapore company as a Chinese citizen?
[A] Yes. There must be at least 2 directors. One of the directors must be a Singaporean citizen or permanent resident or work permit holder.
[Q] We need to open a branch in Singapore, what's the best way to do this?
[A] The procedure is the same as for an individual company.
[Q] I do not have relatives and friends in Singapore, what's the best way to find a new director?
[A] You could entrust us to make arrangements for a Singaporean director for you, what you need to do is pay an annual Director's fee.
[Q] Registration requires so many documents and procedures, I live in China, do I need to go to Singapore to handle this?
[A] We can prepare all of the registration documents for you, and then send them to you for signing (you need to do this before a Chinese government public notary), and then send the notarized documents back to us.